It’s a . . . business!

I have an exciting announcement to make! After years of dreaming, months of research and planning, and weeks of trying not to talk myself out of it making final preparations, I am finally ready to go public. Allow me to introduce my new business–B Natural Creative Studios!

The B Natural Creative Studios philosophy is that everyone–whether they realize it or not–has the need and the ability to express themselves creatively. My goal is to provide the opportunity for people here in the Treasure Valley to tap into that well of creativity and to experience the satisfaction and joy of discovering and sharing the “inner music”.

Simply Music Logo

I am thrilled to announce that our first offering at BNCS will be Simply Music piano classes! Simply Music is an Australian-developed breakthrough method of piano instruction that has students of all ages playing great-sounding music–classical, blues, contemporary, and accompaniment–right from the very first lessons. I will be writing more about my personal experience with this program and how it has literally changed my family’s life, so stay tuned. In the meantime, you can read much more about the history, philosophy, and curriculum of Simply Music by visiting

If you are intrigued by this remarkable, natural approach to learning to play the piano and want to find out more, call me at 208-284-3867. I would love to answer your questions and/or schedule a Free Introductory Session to demonstrate how Simply Music works.

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